Khorasan R. Industrial Dairy & Livestock Farmers Union (KDLFU)
Company description
Foundation: 1989
Number of the Union members: 15 cooperative companies
Number of employees: 17 people
Amount of annual raw milk production: 330 thousand tons
Amount of annual red meat production: 36 thousand tons
Number of animals being under the coverage of the Union: More than 120 thousand heads of cattle
Fixed assets: $11 million
Current assets: $11 million
Commercial department:
- Supplying animal feed from inside and outside of the country
- Supplying frozen embryos, frozen semen and artificial insemination equipment from inside and outside of the country
- Adjusting milk market through guaranteed purchase of raw milk and changing it to exportable dried milk under the coverage of government
- Adjusting the market of animal feed concerning forages and concentrates under the coverage of government
- Supervising the price of raw milk purchased by dairy factories and paying the stockbreeders debts
R&D department:
- Collecting data and information and calculating the final price of raw milk and red meat
- Supervising quantity and quality on the animal feed factories products
- Offering technical and consulting services concerning rational formulation, evaluating type and determining semen
- Holding the training and skilled classes
- Publishing technical and educational handbooks
- Performing research projects in collaboration with scientific centers of the province
- Holding scientific cross-country and foreign journeys for stockbreeders
Managing Director: Farshid Saraf
Mailing address: No.2, 14th Emamat, Emamat Blvd, Vakil abad Blvd, Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi province, Iran
Postal code: 9188895946
Website :
E-mail :
Tel: 0098-51-36045632
Fax: 0098-51-36051092